How Business Can Invest in the Future of the Rohingya

From the perspective of the Government of Bangladesh, the international community, and Rohingya refugees themselves, the first and best solution is safe, voluntary, and sustainable return to Myanmar. However, in the absence of progress toward these preconditions in Myanmar, there is a high risk that refugees will remain in Bangladesh in the medium-term. 

Given this reality, businesses should consider investing in Cox’s Bazar and advocating for solutions for the Rohingya crisis. They should seize the opportunity for two-fold impact: effect positive change for refugees, and pursue credible investment opportunities. First, businesses have an important role to play because their involvement has the potential to shape how the Government of Bangladesh treats refugees. 

At the moment, the Government does not allow refugees the legal right to work, freedom of movement beyond the camps, or access to a formal, accredited education.

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